About J-Light

J Light is a source of one of the well-known family-owned lighting wholesalers in Denmark. We have developed professional lighting since 1990.

J-light has been in the  business since early 90th and is one of the first to start importing and distributing lighting from China. Therefore we have great knowledge of the lighting industry’s requirements for design, functionality and safety.    

From our first steps in the lighting business, we have followed the rapid development from ordinary Halogen lighting to advanced LED lighting.

Today, J Light can deliver a professional and sustainable lighting proposal, whether small or large projects. We strive to design and produce our products  in line with the rapid development..

J-Light has contact to several of the certified approval agencies in China and can help getting your product safely delivered to end users. If you have a specific sourcing inquiry or a question about our products, dont hesitate to contact us :

Email: ma@jlight.eu
